Mastering Windows Keyboard Shortcuts: Enhance Your Productivity

Keyboard shortcuts are essential tools that can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow in Windows. Whether you’re using Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11, mastering these shortcuts can help you navigate your system more efficiently, manage windows with ease, and perform tasks swiftly without relying on a mouse.

General Windows Shortcuts

Open Windows Start MenuWindows Key
Lock WindowsWindows + L
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + Esc
Open File ExplorerWindows + E
Refresh WindowsF5 or Windows + R
Undo Last ActionCtrl + Z
Redo Last ActionCtrl + Y
Copy Selected ItemCtrl + C
Paste Copied ItemCtrl + V
Cut Selected ItemCtrl + X

Windows 7 Shortcuts

Minimize All WindowsWindows + D
Open Windows ClipboardWindows + V
Open Sleep ModeWindows + X
Adjust BrightnessFn + Brightness Keys
Take a ScreenshotPrtScn
Open Help WindowF1
Open Windows DefenderWindows + R, then type “defender”
Open Windows Command PromptWindows + R, then type “cmd”
Restart WindowsCtrl + Alt + Delete, then select Restart
Shutdown WindowsWindows + X, then select Shutdown

Windows 8 and 8.1 Shortcuts

Open Windows Game BarWindows + G
Take a ScreenshotWindows + PrtScn
Open Windows ShutdownWindows + I, then select Shutdown
Open Windows AboutWindows + Pause/Break
Lock WindowsWindows + L
Open Windows Mobility CenterWindows + X
Open Windows Event ViewerWindows + X, then select Event Viewer
Open Windows Remote DesktopWindows + R, then type “mstsc”
Adjust VolumeWindows + Up/Down Arrow
Open Windows Color PickerWindows + Shift + C

Windows 10 Shortcuts

Open Snipping ToolWindows + Shift + S
Minimize Current WindowWindows + Down Arrow
Maximize Window to FullscreenWindows + Up Arrow
Open SettingsWindows + I
Open DesktopWindows + D
Switch Between Open WindowsAlt + Tab
Open Action CenterWindows + A
Open Virtual DesktopWindows + Ctrl + D
Switch Between Virtual DesktopsWindows + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow
Open Task ViewWindows + Tab

Windows 11 Shortcuts

Open New Incognito Window in BrowserCtrl + Shift + N
Shutdown WindowsWindows + X, then select Shutdown
Enable/Disable Airplane ModeWindows + A
Open Windows SettingsWindows + I
Open Windows Screen RecordingWindows + Alt + R
Restart WindowsCtrl + Alt + Delete, then select Restart
Adjust BrightnessWindows + A, then adjust brightness slider
Lock WindowsWindows + L
Open Windows TerminalWindows + X, then select Terminal
Take a ScreenshotWindows + PrtScn

Windows XP Shortcuts

Open Windows ExplorerWindows + E
Open Run DialogWindows + R
Open My ComputerWindows + E
Open Control PanelWindows + R, then type “control”
Minimize All WindowsWindows + D
Lock WindowsWindows + L
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + Esc
Take a ScreenshotPrtScn
Open Help WindowF1
Restart WindowsCtrl + Alt + Delete, then select Restart

Windows Shortcut Keys for Specific Functions

Window Management

Expand WindowWindows + Up Arrow
Minimize WindowWindows + Down Arrow
Move Window Between MonitorsWindows + Shift + Left/Right Arrow
Maximize WindowWindows + Up Arrow
Restore WindowWindows + Down Arrow
Close Active WindowAlt + F4
Open New Window in ChromeCtrl + N
Switch to Next WindowAlt + Tab
Switch to Previous WindowAlt + Shift + Tab

System Controls

Shutdown Windows 10Windows + X, then select Shutdown
Shutdown Windows 11Windows + X, then select Shutdown
Restart Windows 7Ctrl + Alt + Delete, then select Restart
Sleep Mode in Windows 7Windows + X, then select Sleep
Hibernate WindowsWindows + X, then select Hibernate
Open Windows BIOSF2 or Del during startup
Open Windows Bluetooth SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Bluetooth
Open Windows Control PanelWindows + R, then type “control”

Multimedia and Graphics

Open Windows Game CenterWindows + G
Reset Windows GraphicsWindows + Ctrl + Shift + B
Enable Grayscale ModeWindows + Ctrl + C
Enable HDR ModeWindows + A, then toggle HDR
Open Windows Color PickerWindows + Shift + C

Application Specific Shortcuts

Open New Window in ExcelCtrl + N
Maximize Window in ExcelAlt + F10
Open New Window in SAPCtrl + N
Open New Finder WindowCtrl + N
Open New Window in SafariCommand + N
Open New Window in ChromebookCtrl + N
Undo in Windows ApplicationsCtrl + Z
Redo in Windows ApplicationsCtrl + Y

Specialized Windows Shortcuts

Open Windows CalculatorWindows + R, then type “calc”
Open Windows NotepadWindows + R, then type “notepad”
Open Windows MailWindows + Shift + M
Open Windows NarratorWindows + Ctrl + Enter
Open Windows Remote AssistanceWindows + R, then type “msra”
Open Windows Registry EditorWindows + R, then type “regedit”
Open Windows Credential ManagerWindows + R, then type “credwiz”
Open Windows Color PickerWindows + Shift + C
Open Windows Voice TypingWindows + H
Open Windows Volume MixerWindows + Ctrl + F7

Additional Windows Shortcuts

Open Windows VPNWindows + I, then navigate to VPN settings
Open Windows Project OptionsWindows + P
Open Windows Performance MonitorWindows + R, then type “perfmon”
Open Windows PowerShellWindows + X, then select Windows PowerShell
Open Windows Quick AssistWindows + R, then type “quickassist”
Open Windows Remote DesktopWindows + R, then type “mstsc”
Open Windows RestoreWindows + R, then type “rstrui”
Open Windows UpdateWindows + I, then navigate to Update & Security
Open Windows Bluetooth SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Bluetooth
Open Windows DictationWindows + H

Windows Shortcuts for Developers

Open Visual Studio CodeWindows + R, then type “code”
Open Windows TerminalWindows + X, then select Terminal
Open Windows Command PromptWindows + R, then type “cmd”
Run a CommandWindows + R
Open Windows ExplorerWindows + E
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + Esc
Open Windows PowerShellWindows + X, then select Windows PowerShell
Open Windows Remote DesktopWindows + R, then type “mstsc”
Open Windows Registry EditorWindows + R, then type “regedit”
Open Windows Event ViewerWindows + X, then select Event Viewer

Windows Shortcuts for Multimedia

Open Windows Game BarWindows + G
Start/Stop Screen RecordingWindows + Alt + R
Take a ScreenshotWindows + PrtScn
Open Windows Media PlayerWindows + R, then type “wmplayer”
Adjust VolumeWindows + Up/Down Arrow
Mute/Unmute VolumeWindows + M
Open Windows Voice RecorderWindows + R, then type “soundrecorder”
Open Windows Photos AppWindows + Shift + E
Open Windows Movie MakerWindows + R, then type “movie maker”
Open Windows DVD PlayerWindows + R, then type “dvdplayer”

Windows Shortcuts for Accessibility

Open Windows NarratorWindows + Ctrl + Enter
Toggle High Contrast ModeLeft Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen
Open MagnifierWindows + Plus (+)
Zoom Out with MagnifierWindows + Minus (-)
Close MagnifierWindows + Esc
Turn on Filter KeysLeft Shift (hold for 8 seconds)
Turn on Sticky KeysPress Shift five times
Turn on Toggle KeysPress Num Lock for 5 seconds
Open Windows Ease of Access CenterWindows + U
Toggle High ContrastLeft Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen

Windows Shortcuts for Productivity

Open Windows ClipboardWindows + V
Open Windows CalendarWindows + C
Open Windows MailWindows + Shift + M
Open Windows Color PickerWindows + Shift + C
Open Windows Credential ManagerWindows + R, then type “credwiz”
Open Windows Download FolderWindows + E, then navigate to Downloads
Open Windows Password ManagerWindows + R, then type “passwords”
Open Windows NotesWindows + N
Open Windows New FolderCtrl + Shift + N
Open Windows Night LightWindows + A, then toggle Night Light

Windows Shortcuts for Browser Management

Open New Window in BrowserCtrl + N
Open New Incognito WindowCtrl + Shift + N
Open New TabCtrl + T
Close Current TabCtrl + W
Reopen Last Closed TabCtrl + Shift + T
Switch to Next TabCtrl + Tab
Switch to Previous TabCtrl + Shift + Tab
Open Developer ToolsF12
Refresh PageF5 or Ctrl + R
Force Refresh (Bypass Cache)Ctrl + F5

Windows Shortcuts for Multitasking

Snap Window to Left HalfWindows + Left Arrow
Snap Window to Right HalfWindows + Right Arrow
Snap Window to Top HalfWindows + Up Arrow
Snap Window to Bottom HalfWindows + Down Arrow
Move Window to Previous MonitorWindows + Shift + Left Arrow
Move Window to Next MonitorWindows + Shift + Right Arrow
Open Task ViewWindows + Tab
Switch Between Virtual DesktopsWindows + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow
Create New Virtual DesktopWindows + Ctrl + D
Close Current Virtual DesktopWindows + Ctrl + F4

Windows Shortcuts for File Management

Create New FolderCtrl + Shift + N
Rename Selected File/FolderF2
Delete Selected File/FolderDelete
Copy Selected File/FolderCtrl + C
Paste Copied File/FolderCtrl + V
Cut Selected File/FolderCtrl + X
Select All ItemsCtrl + A
Open Properties of Selected File/FolderAlt + Enter
Search for Files/FoldersWindows + F
Open Recently Used FilesWindows + E, then navigate to Recent

Windows Shortcuts for System Navigation

Open DesktopWindows + D
Cycle Through Open WindowsAlt + Tab
Open Run DialogWindows + R
Open Action CenterWindows + A
Open Notification CenterWindows + N
Open SearchWindows + S
Open SettingsWindows + I
Open File ExplorerWindows + E
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + Esc
Open Windows TerminalWindows + X, then select Terminal

Windows Shortcuts for Special Features

Enable/Disable Night LightWindows + A, then toggle Night Light
Open Windows HDR SettingsWindows + A, then toggle HDR
Open Windows HDR SettingsWindows + A, then toggle HDR
Toggle Windows Grayscale ModeWindows + Ctrl + C
Open Windows Mobility CenterWindows + X, then select Mobility Center
Open Windows Game ModeWindows + G
Open Windows Airplane ModeWindows + A, then toggle Airplane Mode
Open Windows Volume MixerWindows + R, then type “sndvol”
Open Windows Voice RecorderWindows + R, then type “soundrecorder”
Open Windows VPN SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to VPN

Windows Shortcuts for Development Tools

Open Visual Studio CodeWindows + R, then type “code”
Open Windows TerminalWindows + X, then select Terminal
Open Windows Command PromptWindows + R, then type “cmd”
Open PowerShellWindows + X, then select Windows PowerShell
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + Esc
Open Registry EditorWindows + R, then type “regedit”
Open Event ViewerWindows + X, then select Event Viewer
Open Remote DesktopWindows + R, then type “mstsc”
Open Windows SettingsWindows + I
Open Run DialogWindows + R

Windows Shortcuts for Miscellaneous Tasks

Open Windows Clipboard HistoryWindows + V
Open Emoji PanelWindows + . (Period)
Open Windows Game BarWindows + G
Open Windows Color PickerWindows + Shift + C
Open Windows CalendarWindows + C
Open Windows DefenderWindows + R, then type “windowsdefender”
Open Windows Download FolderWindows + E, then navigate to Downloads
Open Windows DictationWindows + H
Open Windows Mail AppWindows + Shift + M
Open Windows Quick AssistWindows + R, then type “quickassist”

Windows Shortcuts for System Information

Check Windows VersionWindows + R, then type “winver”
Open System PropertiesWindows + Pause/Break
Open Device ManagerWindows + X, then select Device Manager
Open System InformationWindows + R, then type “msinfo32”
Open Performance MonitorWindows + R, then type “perfmon”
Open Resource MonitorWindows + R, then type “resmon”
Open Task SchedulerWindows + R, then type “taskschd.msc”
Open Event ViewerWindows + X, then select Event Viewer
Open ServicesWindows + R, then type “services.msc”
Open Windows FirewallWindows + R, then type “firewall.cpl”

Windows Shortcuts for Virtual Assistants and AI

Open CortanaWindows + C
Start Voice TypingWindows + H
Activate Virtual AssistantWindows + A
Open Microsoft TeamsWindows + T
Open Microsoft To DoWindows + D
Open Microsoft OutlookWindows + O
Open Microsoft OneNoteWindows + N
Open Microsoft EdgeWindows + E
Open Microsoft WordWindows + W
Open Microsoft ExcelWindows + X

Windows Shortcuts for Customization and Personalization

Open Windows ThemesWindows + I, then navigate to Personalization
Open Windows Background SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Background
Change Desktop Icon SettingsRight-click Desktop, then select Personalize
Open Windows Color SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Colors
Open Windows Lock Screen SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Lock Screen
Toggle Dark ModeWindows + I, then navigate to Colors and select Dark Mode
Open Mouse SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Devices > Mouse
Open Keyboard SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Devices > Typing
Change Screen SaverWindows + R, then type “control desk.cpl,,@screensaver”
Open Windows Fonts SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Personalization > Fonts

Windows Shortcuts for System Maintenance

Open Disk CleanupWindows + R, then type “cleanmgr”
Open Disk DefragmenterWindows + R, then type “dfrgui”
Open Task SchedulerWindows + R, then type “taskschd.msc”
Open System ConfigurationWindows + R, then type “msconfig”
Open Windows BackupWindows + R, then type “sdclt”
Open Windows Recovery EnvironmentWindows + R, then type “recovery”
Open Windows TroubleshooterWindows + I, then navigate to Update & Security > Troubleshoot
Open Windows Security CenterWindows + I, then navigate to Update & Security > Windows Security
Open Windows Firewall SettingsWindows + R, then type “firewall.cpl”
Open Windows Defender FirewallWindows + R, then type “wf.msc”

Windows Shortcuts for Multilingual Users

Change Keyboard LayoutWindows + Space
Switch Input LanguageAlt + Shift
Open Language PreferencesWindows + I, then navigate to Time & Language
Toggle Language BarLeft Alt + Left Shift
Open Windows Language SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Time & Language > Language
Add a LanguageWindows + I, then navigate to Time & Language > Language > Add a language
Remove a LanguageWindows + I, then navigate to Time & Language > Language > Remove
Set Default LanguageWindows + I, then navigate to Time & Language > Language > Set as default
Open On-Screen KeyboardWindows + Ctrl + O
Open Language Bar OptionsWindows + R, then type “intl.cpl”

Windows Shortcuts for Gaming

Open Xbox Game BarWindows + G
Start/Stop RecordingWindows + Alt + R
Take ScreenshotWindows + Alt + PrtScn
Open Xbox SocialWindows + G, then click on Social
Open Xbox SettingsWindows + I, then navigate to Gaming
Open Xbox AchievementsWindows + G, then navigate to Achievements
Open Xbox FriendsWindows + G, then navigate to Friends
Open Xbox Live DashboardWindows + G, then navigate to Dashboard
Open Xbox Game ModeWindows + G, then toggle Game Mode
Open Xbox Game StreamingWindows + G, then navigate to Game Streaming

Windows Shortcuts for Collaboration Tools

Open Microsoft TeamsWindows + T
Open Microsoft OutlookWindows + O
Open Microsoft OneNoteWindows + N
Open Microsoft WordWindows + W
Open Microsoft ExcelWindows + X
Open Microsoft PowerPointWindows + P
Open Microsoft SharePointWindows + S
Open Microsoft PlannerWindows + Shift + P
Open Microsoft To DoWindows + D
Open Microsoft FormsWindows + F

Note: To find a comprehensive list of Windows shortcuts and improve your workflow, visit this website: Shortcuts Maker – Windows Shortcuts. The site provides a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate Windows more efficiently, from managing files to using system tools. It’s a great resource to enhance your productivity!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common keyboard shortcuts?

  • Ctrl + C (Copy)
  • Ctrl + V (Paste)
  • Ctrl + Z (Undo)
  • Alt + Tab (Switch between open apps)
  • Win + D (Show desktop)
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc (Open Task Manager)

How do I open the Task Manager?

To open the Task Manager:
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
  • Alternatively, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and select Task Manager.

How do I switch between open applications?

To switch between open applications, use Alt + Tab.

How can I take a screenshot?

Use the following shortcuts to take screenshots:
  • PrtScn (Capture the entire screen)
  • Alt + PrtScn (Capture the active window)
  • Win + Shift + S (Open Snip & Sketch for a selected area)

How do I lock my screen?

To lock your screen, use the shortcut Win + L.

How do I open the search function?

To open the search function, press Cmd + Space (on macOS) or Win + S (on Windows).

How can I close a window or an app?

To close a window or app:
  • Cmd + Q (Close app on macOS)
  • Alt + F4 (Close window or app on Windows)

How do I create a new folder?

To create a new folder:
  • Ctrl + Shift + N (Create new folder on Windows)
  • Cmd + Shift + N (Create new folder on macOS)