Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Computer Shortcuts

Explore essential keyboard shortcuts to improve your productivity on Windows.

Copilot Keyboard Shortcuts

Copilot Key: The Microsoft Copilot icon.
To do this: Open Copilot, or another app as configured in Settings.
Copilot Key: Open or close Windows search.

Desktop Shortcuts

The following desktop keyboard shortcuts allow you to efficiently open, close, navigate, and perform tasks across the desktop environment, including the Start menu, Taskbar, Settings, and more.

Alt + Esc: Cycle through open windows.
Alt + F4: Close active window. (If no active window is present, a shutdown box appears.)
Alt + F8: Reveals typed password in Sign-in screen.
Alt + Left arrow key: Go back.
Alt + Page Down: Move down one screen.
Alt + Page Up: Move up one screen.
Alt + Right arrow key: Go forward.
Alt + Spacebar: Open context menu for the active window.
Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps while pressing Tab multiple times.
Alt + Underlined letter: Runs command for the underlined letter in apps.
Ctrl + Alt + Tab: View open apps.
Ctrl + Arrow keys: Change Start menu size.
Ctrl + Arrow keys (to select) + Spacebar: Select multiple items on desktop or File Explorer.
Ctrl + Click a grouped app button: Cycle through windows in the group from the Taskbar.
Ctrl + Down arrow key: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + F5 (or) Ctrl + R: Refresh current window.
Ctrl + Left arrow key: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Right arrow key: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Shift: Switch keyboard layout.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key: Select block of text.
Ctrl + Shift + Click app button: Run app as administrator from the Taskbar.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
Ctrl + Spacebar: Enable or disable Chinese IME.
Ctrl + Up arrow key: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Shift + Arrow keys: Select multiple items.
Shift + Click app button: Open another instance of an app from the Taskbar.
Shift + F10: Open context menu for selected item.
Shift + Right-click app button: Show window menu for the app from the Taskbar.
Shift + Right-click grouped app button: Show window menu for the group from the Taskbar.

Windows Settings Page Shortcuts

The “Windows key,” when used with other keys, enables you to execute numerous handy tasks such as launching Settings, File Explorer, the Run command, and apps pinned to the Taskbar, as well as open specific features like Narrator or Magnifier. Additionally, you can manage windows and virtual desktops, take screenshots, lock the computer, and more.

Here is a list of the most common keyboard shortcuts utilizing the Windows key:

Windows Key: Open Start menu.
Windows Key + A: Open Action center.
Windows Key + Alt + D: Open date and time in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + Alt + Number (0-9): Open Jump List of the app in number position in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + B: Set focus notification area in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + Comma (,): Temporarily peek at the desktop.
Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Create a virtual desktop.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Enter: Open Narrator.
Windows Key + Ctrl + F: Open search for the device on a domain network.
Windows Key + Ctrl + F4: Close active virtual desktop.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Left arrow: Switch to the virtual desktop on the left.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Number (0-9): Switch to the last active window of the app in the number position in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Q: Open Quick Assist.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Right arrow: Switch to the virtual desktop on the right.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Shift + B: Wake up the device when black or a blank screen.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Shift + Number (0-9): Open another instance as an administrator of the app in the number position in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Spacebar: Change previous selected input option.
Windows Key + D: Display and hide the desktop.
Windows Key + Down arrow key: Minimize app windows.
Windows Key + E: Open File Explorer.
Windows Key + Esc: Exit magnifier.
Windows Key + F: Launch Feedback Hub app.
Windows Key + Forward-slash (/): Start IME reconversion.
Windows Key + G: Launch Game bar app.
Windows Key + H: Open dictation feature.
Windows Key + Home: Minimize or maximize all but the active desktop window.
Windows Key + I: Open Settings.
Windows Key + J: Set focus on a tip for Windows 10 when applicable.
Windows Key + K: Open Connect settings.
Windows Key + L: Locks computer.
Windows Key + Left arrow key: Snap app or window left.
Windows Key + M: Minimize all windows.
Windows Key + Minus (-): Zoom out using the magnifier.
Windows Key + Number (0-9): Open the app in number position in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + O: Lock device orientation.
Windows Key + P: Open Project settings.
Windows Key + Pause: Show System Properties dialog box.
Windows Key + Period (.) or Semicolon (;): Open emoji panel.
Windows Key + Plus (+): Zoom in using the magnifier.
Windows Key + PrtScn: Capture a full screenshot in the “Screenshots” folder.
Windows Key + R: Open Run command.
Windows Key + Right arrow key: Snap app or window right.
Windows Key + S (or Q): Open Search.
Windows Key + Shift + Down arrow key: Windows 11: Restore the window if it is snapped or maximized. Windows 10: Maximize or minimize active windows vertically while maintaining width.
Windows Key + Shift + Left arrow key: Move active window to monitor on the left.
Windows Key + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows on the desktop.
Windows Key + Shift + Number (0-9): Open another app instance in the number position in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + Shift + Right arrow key: Move active window to monitor on the right.
Windows Key + Shift + S: Create part of the screen screenshot.
Windows Key + Shift + Up arrow key: Stretch desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows Key + Shift + V: Cycle through notifications.
Windows Key + Spacebar: Change keyboard layout and input language.
Windows Key + T: Cycle through apps in the Taskbar.
Windows Key + Tab: Open Task View.
Windows Key + U: Open Ease of Access settings.
Windows Key + Up arrow key: Maximize app windows.
Windows Key + V: Open Clipboard bin.
Windows Key + W: Open the Windows Ink Workspace.
Windows Key + X: Open Quick Link menu.
Windows Key + Y: Change input between desktop and Mixed Reality.
Windows Key + Z: Switch input between the desktop experience and Windows Mixed Reality.

Text Editing Shortcuts

Use the following list of shortcuts to edit the text more quickly and efficiently.

Backspace: Delete characters to the left
Ctrl + =: Make selected text subscript
Ctrl + A: Select all text
Ctrl + B: Make selected text bold
Ctrl + Backspace: Delete words to the left
Ctrl + C: Copy text
Ctrl + Del: Delete words to the right
Ctrl + Down Arrow: Go to end of line break
Ctrl + End: Go to the end of the document
Ctrl + F: Find text
Ctrl + H: Find and replace text
Ctrl + Home: Go to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + I: Make selected text italic
Ctrl + Left Arrow: Go to beginning of previous word
Ctrl + Right Arrow: Go to beginning of next word
Ctrl + Shift + =: Make selected text superscript
Ctrl + U: Underline selected text
Ctrl + Up Arrow: Go to beginning of line break
Ctrl + V: Paste text
Ctrl + X: Cut text
Ctrl + Y: Redo text
Ctrl + Z: Undo text
Delete: Delete characters to the right
Down Arrow: Go down one row
End: Go to the end of the current line
Home: Go to the beginning of the current line
Left Arrow: Go to the left or to the end of previous line break
Page Down: Move down one frame
Page Up: Move up one frame
Right Arrow: Go to the right or to the beginning of next line break
Shift + Ctrl + Down: Select paragraphs to the right
Shift + Ctrl + End: Select text between the cursor and the end of the document
Shift + Ctrl + Home: Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the document
Shift + Ctrl + Left: Select words to the left
Shift + Ctrl + Right: Select words to the right
Shift + Ctrl + Up: Select paragraphs to the left
Shift + Down Arrow: Select lines downwards
Shift + End: Select text between the cursor and the end of the current line
Shift + Home: Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the current line
Shift + Left Arrow: Select characters to the left
Shift + Page Down: Select one frame at a time of text below the cursor
Shift + Page Up: Select one frame at a time of text above the cursor
Shift + Right Arrow: Select characters to the right
Shift + Tab: Outdent
Shift + Up Arrow: Select lines upwards
Tab: Indent
Up Arrow: Go up one row

Dialog Box Shortcuts

Here are the keyboard shortcuts to help you perform actions within a dialog box quickly:

Alt + underlined letter: Perform the command (or select the option) that is used with that letter.
Arrow keys: Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons.
Backspace: Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box.
Ctrl + 1, 2, 3,…: Move to that tab number.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move back through tabs.
Ctrl + Tab: Move forward through tabs.
F4: Display the items in the active list.
Shift + Tab: Move back through options.
Spacebar: Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box.
Tab: Move forward through options.

Virtual Desktop Shortcuts

The following virtual desktop shortcuts allow you to switch between the desktops, add or close virtual desktops, and more.

Windows Key + Tab: Open Task view
Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Add a virtual desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + Right arrow: Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the right
Windows Key + Ctrl + Left arrow: Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the left
Windows Key + Ctrl + F4: Close the virtual desktop you’re using

File Explorer Shortcuts

The following list of File Explorer shortcuts allows you access to folders, the navigation pane, search bar, address bars, and more.

Alt + D: Select address bar
Alt + Enter: Open Properties settings for the selected item
Alt + Left arrow key (or Backspace): View previous folder
Alt + P: Display preview panel
Alt + Right arrow key: View next folder
Alt + Up arrow: Move up a level in the folder path
Ctrl + E (or F): Select search box
Ctrl + F (or F3): Start search
Ctrl + L: Focus on the address bar
Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel: Change view file and folder
Ctrl + N: Open new window
Ctrl + Shift + E: Expands all folders from the tree in the navigation pane
Ctrl + Shift + N: Creates a new folder on desktop or File Explorer
Ctrl + Shift + Number (1-8): Changes folder view
Ctrl + W: Close active window
End: Scroll to the bottom of the window
F11: Switch active window full-screen mode
F2: Rename selected item
F4: Switch focus to address bar
F5: Refresh File Explorer’s current view
F6: Cycle through elements on the screen
Home: Scroll to the top of the window
Windows key + E: Open File Explorer

Command Prompt Shortcuts

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to work more efficiently in the Command Prompt.

Ctrl + A: Select all content of the current line
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert): Copy selected items to clipboard
Ctrl + Down arrow key: Move screen down one line
Ctrl + End: Scroll to the bottom of the console
Ctrl + F: Open search for Command Prompt
Ctrl + Home: Scroll to the top of the console
Ctrl + M: Start mark mode
Ctrl + Up arrow key: Move the screen up one line
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert): Paste content from clipboard
Left or right arrow keys: Move the cursor left or right in the current line
Page Down: Move cursor one page down
Page Up: Move cursor one page up
Up or down arrow keys: Cycle through the command history of the current session

Taskbar Shortcuts

The below shortcuts allow you to navigate to the taskbar options quickly.

Ctrl + Shift + click a taskbar button: Open an app as an administrator.
Ctrl + click a grouped taskbar button: Cycle through the windows of the group.
Shift + click a taskbar button: Open an app or quickly open another instance of an app.
Shift + right-click a grouped taskbar button: Show the window menu for the group.
Shift + right-click a taskbar button: Show the window menu for the app.

Copy, Paste, and Other Basic Shortcuts

Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts that help you perform basic operations such as copy, paste, undo, redo, and more:

Backspace: Delete characters to the left.
Ctrl + =: Make selected text subscript.
Ctrl + A: Select all text.
Ctrl + B: Make selected text bold.
Ctrl + Backspace: Delete words to the left.
Ctrl + C: Copy selected text or items to clipboard.
Ctrl + Del: Delete words to the right.
Ctrl + Down Arrow: Go to the end of line break.
Ctrl + End: Go to the end of the document.
Ctrl + F: Find text.
Ctrl + H: Find and replace text.
Ctrl + Home: Go to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + I: Make selected text italic.
Ctrl + Left Arrow: Go to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Right Arrow: Go to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Shift + =: Make selected text superscript.
Ctrl + U: Underline selected text.
Ctrl + Up Arrow: Go to the beginning of line break.
Ctrl + V: Paste text.
Ctrl + X: Cut text.
Ctrl + Y: Redo text.
Ctrl + Z: Undo text.
Delete: Delete characters to the right.
Down Arrow: Go down one row.
End: Go to the end of the current line.
Home: Go to the beginning of the current line.
Left Arrow: Go to the left or to the end of the previous line break.
Page Down: Move down one frame.
Page Up: Move up one frame.
Right Arrow: Go to the right or to the beginning of the next line break.
Shift + Ctrl + Down: Select paragraphs to the right.
Shift + Ctrl + End: Select text between the cursor and the end of the document.
Shift + Ctrl + Home: Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the document.
Shift + Ctrl + Left: Select words to the left.
Shift + Ctrl + Right: Select words to the right.
Shift + Ctrl + Up: Select paragraphs to the left.
Shift + Down Arrow: Select lines downwards.
Shift + End: Select text between the cursor and the end of the current line.
Shift + Home: Select text between the cursor and the beginning of the current line.
Shift + Left Arrow: Select characters to the left.
Shift + Page Down: Select one frame at a time of text below the cursor.
Shift + Page Up: Select one frame at a time of text above the cursor.
Shift + Right Arrow: Select characters to the right.
Shift + Tab: Outdent.
Shift + Up Arrow: Select lines upwards.
Tab: Indent.
Up Arrow: Go up one row.
Tricks & Secrets

How to take screenshots on Windows?

Taking screenshots on Windows is easy with the following methods:

  • Windows + Print Screen: Capture the entire screen and save the screenshot in the “Pictures” folder.
  • Alt + Print Screen: Capture the active window and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Windows + Shift + S: Use the Snipping Tool to select a custom area of the screen.
  • Windows + G: Open the Game Bar to capture screenshots and videos while gaming.

Did you know? You can use Snip & Sketch (Windows + Shift + S) to select specific areas or windows to capture.

How to force restart my Windows PC?

If your PC freezes, here are ways to force restart it:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the Task Manager and restart your PC from there.
  • Press and hold the power button: If your PC is unresponsive, holding the power button for 10 seconds will force a restart.

Tip: If you’re unable to restart, using the physical power button might be your only option.

How to show hidden files and folders in Windows?

To reveal hidden files and folders in Windows, use these methods:

  • Windows + E: Open File Explorer and go to the “View” tab, then check the “Hidden items” box to show hidden files.
  • Command Prompt: Use the command “attrib -h” to unhide files.

Warning: Hidden files are often system-critical files, so be cautious while working with them.

How to switch between open apps?

Switch between open apps on Windows easily using these shortcuts:

  • Alt + Tab: Cycle through open apps.
  • Windows + Tab: Open Task View to see all open apps and desktops.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active app.

Quick Tip: Holding Alt and tapping Tab lets you cycle through open apps faster.

How to take a screenshot of a specific window?

If you want to capture just one window, here’s how:

  • Alt + Print Screen: Capture the currently active window and copy it to the clipboard.

Tip: This is useful for capturing individual windows without the surrounding desktop elements.

How to search files quickly on Windows?

Searching for files on Windows is simple with the following methods:

  • Windows + S: Open the search bar to quickly search for apps, files, or settings.
  • Windows + E: Open File Explorer and use the search bar to find files on your PC.

Tip: You can search for apps, documents, web results, and even emails using Windows Search!

How to manage multiple desktops on Windows?

Use the following shortcuts to manage desktops and workspaces on Windows:

  • Windows + Tab: Open Task View to see all your desktops.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between multiple desktops.

Tip: You can create multiple desktops to organize your workspace, especially for multitasking!

How to force quit an app on Windows?

If an app becomes unresponsive, here’s how to force quit it:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager to view and close unresponsive apps.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window or app directly.

Tip: If an app is not responding, use Task Manager to force quit it safely.

How to quickly lock your Windows PC?

Locking your PC is simple with:

  • Windows + L: Lock your PC screen instantly.

Tip: Use this shortcut when you need to step away from your PC to secure your data.

How to open the Control Panel on Windows?

Access the Control Panel quickly:

  • Windows + X: Open the quick access menu, then select “Control Panel.”
  • Windows + R: Open the Run dialog and type “control” to open the Control Panel.

Tip: The Control Panel is where you can manage system settings and install/remove programs.

Windows 10/11 New Features and Shortcuts

Windows 10/11 Shortcuts for Accessing Cortana or Windows Search

Windows 10 and Windows 11 introduced integrated search features like Cortana and Windows Search to help you find files, apps, and even web results quickly. Here are some shortcuts to access these features:

  • Windows Key + S: Open Windows Search bar.
  • Windows Key + C: Open Cortana (available in Windows 10; in Windows 11, Cortana is not pre-enabled, but you can still use the Windows Search).
  • Windows Key + Q: Open Windows Search with voice command (if Cortana is enabled).

Tip: You can search for apps, documents, emails, and web results directly from the Windows Search bar.

Snap Layouts and Snap Groups in Windows 11

Windows 11 introduced Snap Layouts and Snap Groups, making multitasking easier by allowing you to snap windows into different layouts and manage multiple windows more efficiently. Here’s how to use these features:

  • Windows Key + Z: Open Snap Layouts to choose a window layout for your current window (new to Windows 11).
  • Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow: Snap the active window to the left or right half of the screen.
  • Windows Key + Up/Down Arrow: Snap the active window to the top or bottom half of the screen.
  • Windows Key + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: Move the active window to another monitor (if you have multiple monitors connected).

Did you know? Snap Groups allow you to quickly switch between groups of snapped windows by hovering over the app icon in the taskbar.

Virtual Desktop Management Improvements in Windows 11

Windows 11 improved the virtual desktop management system, making it easier to organize and navigate between multiple desktops. Here are some useful shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Add a new virtual desktop.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.
  • Windows Key + Tab: Open Task View to see all your open windows and virtual desktops.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + F4: Close the current virtual desktop.

Quick Tip: You can personalize each virtual desktop with a different wallpaper to easily distinguish between them.

Windows 10 vs Windows 11

FeatureWindows 10Windows 11
Start MenuTraditional with live tilesCentered and simplified
TaskbarLeft-aligned iconsCentered icons
System RequirementsCompatible with older hardwareHigher requirements (e.g., TPM 2.0)
Microsoft StoreLimited app selectionRevamped with Android app support
Snap LayoutsBasic snappingAdvanced Snap Layouts
Gaming FeaturesDirectX 12DirectStorage, AutoHDR
Windows Productivity Tips and Shortcuts

Multitask Efficiently with Virtual Desktops and Taskbar Shortcuts

Windows 10 and 11 offer powerful multitasking features that allow you to manage multiple applications and workspaces seamlessly. Here’s how you can improve your multitasking:

  • Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Quickly add a new virtual desktop to keep your work organized.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between multiple virtual desktops to manage different tasks or projects.
  • Windows Key + Tab: Open Task View to see all your desktops and running applications in one place.
  • Windows Key + T: Cycle through apps pinned to your taskbar quickly.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open windows and apps on your current virtual desktop.

Tip: Organize different types of work into separate virtual desktops (e.g., one for personal tasks, one for work tasks) to avoid distractions and stay focused.

Boost Your Workflow with Clipboard History and Advanced File Management Shortcuts

Windows allows you to use advanced clipboard features and file management tools to speed up your workflow:

  • Windows Key + V: Open the Clipboard History feature to view and paste recent items you’ve copied (must be enabled in Settings).
  • Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste text without any formatting, useful when pasting between different programs.
  • Windows Key + E: Open File Explorer to browse your files quickly.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder in File Explorer.
  • Alt + D: Focus the address bar in File Explorer to quickly type or paste a directory path.

Did you know? You can pin items to your Clipboard History for easy access later by clicking the small “pin” icon next to an item.

Time-Saving Tips for Working with Multiple Windows Using Snap Assist and Keyboard Shortcuts

Managing multiple windows and maximizing screen real estate is easy with Snap Assist and keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow: Snap the active window to the left or right side of the screen, enabling efficient multitasking.
  • Windows Key + Up Arrow: Maximize the active window, making it easier to focus on one task at a time.
  • Windows Key + Down Arrow: Minimize the active window or restore it from a minimized state.
  • Windows Key + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: Move the active window between multiple monitors (if you have multiple displays connected).
  • Windows Key + M: Minimize all open windows, helping you clear your desktop and focus on important tasks.

Quick Tip: Use Snap Assist to snap two windows side by side and quickly switch between them with Alt + Tab.

Windows FAQs

How do I take a screenshot on Windows?

Windows provides several methods to capture screenshots:

  • Windows + Print Screen: Captures the entire screen and saves it to the “Pictures” folder.
  • Alt + Print Screen: Captures only the active window and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Windows + Shift + S: Opens the Snipping Tool to capture a custom area of the screen.
  • Windows + G: Opens the Game Bar to capture screenshots or record your screen while gaming.

How can I force restart my Windows PC?

If your system becomes unresponsive, here are ways to force restart it:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the Task Manager and restart your PC from there.
  • Press and hold the power button: If the system is frozen, holding the power button for 10 seconds will force a restart.

How do I find hidden files in Windows?

To view hidden files and folders, follow these steps:

  • Windows + E: Open File Explorer and go to the “View” tab to check the “Hidden items” box.
  • Command Prompt: Use the command attrib -h to unhide specific files.

How do I switch between open apps on Windows?

Switching between open apps is simple with these shortcuts:

  • Alt + Tab: Cycle through open apps and select the one you want to switch to.
  • Windows + Tab: Open Task View to see all open apps and desktops.

How can I search for files quickly on Windows?

To quickly search for files on your PC:

  • Windows + S: Open the search bar to find files, apps, or settings.
  • Windows + E: Open File Explorer and use the search bar to locate files on your PC.

How do I force quit an app on Windows?

If an app freezes, you can force quit it by following these steps:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager and select the app to close it.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window or app.

How can I quickly lock my Windows PC?

To lock your PC instantly:

  • Windows + L: Lock your screen and require a password to unlock.

How do I open the Task Manager on Windows?

To quickly access Task Manager:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the security screen, then select Task Manager.

How do I manage multiple desktops in Windows?

You can create and manage multiple desktops with these shortcuts:

  • Windows + Tab: Open Task View to see all your desktops.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Switch between multiple desktops.

How can I open the Control Panel on Windows?

Here’s how you can open the Control Panel:

  • Windows + X: Open the quick access menu and select “Control Panel.”
  • Windows + R: Open the Run dialog and type control to open the Control Panel.

Note: If you’re looking to master Mac shortcuts and boost your productivity, check out this: Mac Shortcuts. It offers a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate your Mac more efficiently, whether you’re working in apps, managing files, or using system features. It’s a handy resource to make your Mac experience smoother and quicker!